Sebastien Gomez's Profile

  • Feb 01, 2008
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Recent articles written by: Sebastien Gomez

Latest comments made by: Sebastien Gomez

  • Funny how I never once said that Apple's stocks were falling because of their performance... I simply stated that because of the economic situation, Apple has to find a way to play this new game differently and try and finally gain that market share.
  • hmm low estimates??! I like you're outlook and general positivity. I think you're right about a 3G version of the iPhone. It just makes sense in 2008.
  • Hi, perhaps you haven't understood correctly what I was trying to convey. Apple obviously is not hurting, not now anyway. What about their future? What about the hopes of larger market share? Will they keep to their original business model with AT&T;? Not everyone agrees but YES Apple is in brand new territory and it could be dangerous. Again, not now but in the years to come. Yes AT&T;had a pretty significant jump in subscribers and I'm sure their board meetings are like this: "Yeah, we're so thrilled to be getting 2 million new subscribers this year -- of course Apple sold 3.7 million units but who cares we don't want to be greedy, 2 million is good enough and Apple is going to figure out what to do with this unlocking situation so we'll all be gravy this time next year".. Look at Apple's results again..
  • Sure thing Greg, will do.
  • Yep! My opinion indeed, which is why it's in the opinion category. -- "You need to write yourself an article “Why won’t Apple make a really cheap laptop for us!?”." Not really because they will very soon ;)
  • Nope. What I'm saying is after talking with various Apple users who would be in that "buying category", none of them have stated that they just had to get their hands on it right now. Obviously if we all won an MBA, we would keep it and be very happy with it. But unlike other Apple products, people are still on the defensive. It's a great product but it is still in its infant stages. I think it's wrong to think that Apple should not try and compete with the lower priced market. Granted they have done very well with pricey computers in the past they should and will consider this lower niche once they get it together in the manufacturing firms. Unless Apple wants to become the next Blockbuster Video Rental Service, it is still a company that builds and sells computers. Everything else is just icing on the motherboard. ;)
  • BeebleBrox: Yikes!! Ok ok.. My opinion (like many others): Steve Jobs did change the market place and drive his company to the top. Am I worshipping Steve? I don't think so. He's as flawed as me and everyone else... even you perhaps ;) Humm As for the press comment? YES! I DON'T CARE - as most people should. My mind is made up sir. I agree they have too much yes AND I don't care. The title is correct and stands since it's an opinion on people's perception. Bone-headed articles? Ann Coulter? Yeah, Sure, Ok. I'll leave that one be my friend. I'll just agree to disagree since there is no point really :) Thank God (or is it Steve? lol) for polarized subjects, where would this world be without them. All the best!
    Sebastien Gomez had this to say on Dec 19, 2007 Posts: 11
    Why is Apple Getting a Bad Rap?
  • I never thought my article would start a "writing riot".. hehe. Where do I start? 1) I'll be the first guy to accuse Leopard of its flaws having used it ever since the Beta version and now the the full version since its release. I do love all the new cool gadgets on there (no Time Machine is not my favorite) and personally my macbook is quite faster on it, although I realize it is not the same for everyone. The thing that bugs me too is the fact that it does contain many more bugs than its previous version and Apple seems to not come up with answers or updates for them. I have also used Vista and have laughed at the gruesome disaster the whole platform has been since the get go. Still, that doesn't give the right for the Mac Community to come out and feel better than the rest when our own OS is not fully functional. 2) As for this dispute over my blind allegiance to the Apple Gods? Simply not true. How can any reader make that assumption after one article and not knowing anything where the writer is coming from? I have used a Mac since the 1980's as well as PC's DOS and Windows based machines. I will not stand for being called ignorant when it comes to this subject. It is not a question of ignorance but more of opinion. Clearly some of you did not make it through the post without cringing or swearing at your screen - understandable.. I do that on a daily basis but never do I comment on the writer's competence but more on his point of view. As you already know, I welcome criticism openly and readers have often made me change my mind on various subjects - just try and be a little more eloquent next time. :) 3) Free positive press? Agreed. Too much? Perhaps. BUT who cares? As long as the products are there to back it up, I have no problem with that. That's where Apple needs to work on a bit more for future releases: better products equivalent to their great PR staff. 4) Biting the hand? I read the linked article and found it to be very interesting. What I meant by saying that Apple "bit Microsoft's hand" was that for the ordinary every day computer user, it appeared that way, hence generating heat towards Apple from the PC groups. Obviously that article by Daniel Eran Dilger was well researched and well written but not common knowledge for most users hence the appearance of Apple bitting Windows hand. I wasn't implying that other tech companies wouldn't give their souls to be in Apple's position but more so, again, on the user base; customers watching these MAC vs PC ads and being pitched on switching every time they want to buy a new computer. Now I'm left wondering if I just post old rambling news on AppleMatters from now or go on and write whatever can spark up a discussion like this one. I personally would love to be as opinionated as I was here without being a disservice to this blog. Thanks again for reading guys and keep those comments coming if you like, as you know I'm reading them. Take care and Merry Xmas.
    Sebastien Gomez had this to say on Dec 19, 2007 Posts: 11
    Why is Apple Getting a Bad Rap?
  • E.T., I can't agree with you more on the Apple Store issue. Something has to happen, someone has to take care of this. I've been on the other side of that genius bar (way before Apple Stores in other formats) and wasn't very proud of my fellow "geniuses". The sense of employees being high and mighty and holier than God is what strikes pretty much every customer that walks in there. That said, Apple Tech support is the greatest but not from little 15 year old looking "douches" like you say but from the real technicians (there are only a handful on their tech support line). They have been nothing but splendid in the way they conducted themselves and felt about Apple. Yes Apple has its flaws, that's why these techs are there. I tend to think of these guys who are truly the geek geniuses behind the whole "look+attitude+smirk+I'm better than you persona". I personally have never lied to a client (even if it was to tell them the sad truth about their MBP power cable, which is a very common occurrence. Apple stores should rethink their hiring process and re-evaluate what they think is important; a fresh out of school pompous kid never willing to admit any wrong doing by its employer or a service oriented geek in the computer tech business and not the Apple business. The answer should have been clear. I hope you do have that great experience you are looking for, but doubt it for the near future.
    Sebastien Gomez had this to say on Dec 18, 2007 Posts: 11
    Why is Apple Getting a Bad Rap?
  • E.T., Never in my post or comments have I stated that Apple products were infallible. This wasn't the position I was taking at all nor the point of the opinion. As a matter of fact, we've all been through the OS X re-install because of buggy issues, seen the odd power cable mishaps or battery recalls and horrible cycling. I know a thing or two about "teching" professionally on these products so understand your frustration. We all agree that Apple's move with the iPhone price cut was a bad one towards their loyal first in line customers. Bottom line though, is that Apple products have a general tendency to be above normal quality and tech standards. Wouldn't it be great if a company never produced lemons in their line ups? Your MacBook Pro is one of those examples - Aren't you glad Apple service is above par as well (for the most part)? I never thought that this discussion would get here but I guess it just did. I'm not defending Apple (I no longer have a professional relationship with them) but I can only state the personal facts that my iPods, Macbooks, iMacs, G4's, Powerbooks, etc. have all surpassed my expectations (except for that time, years ago, where my G4 motherboard caught on fire after a bad RAM swap). To finish off this post, to call me disingenuous is not getting what I'm trying to say. I have not blindly defended a fallible company here and I get all of your main concerns. My being sincere has nothing to do with this or have you not made yourself clear enough? Thanks for reading and again, I welcome all comments with open arms ;) All the best!
    Sebastien Gomez had this to say on Dec 18, 2007 Posts: 11
    Why is Apple Getting a Bad Rap?
  • Alright, to answer "Reinharden", yes this IS an opinion piece. Just look at the label above the title. I've been an Apple user all of my life and my writing style has always been on the irreverent side. I know the whole Apple history and have read the books, this was not suppose to be a summary. Just one thing though, you say that Steve Jobs came back in September 1997 - where in actuality he was involved with Apple months prior to that public announcement, so is iMacs real father (along with iVes). That is some history. As for other comments: The Bad Rep title was directed towards what competitors and other users. Us Mac users know that Apple is an "every guy", "every day" computer. We know we are not ALL elites. I won't argue that Apple stocks has one of the most interesting rises of 2007 - that is not the point though. Read the "opinion article" once again and try to understand the point of view. Thanks to everyone. P.S. Oh and by the way, yep! I am a child of the 1970's, that you're right about. Stay well and Merry Xmas.
    Sebastien Gomez had this to say on Dec 18, 2007 Posts: 11
    Why is Apple Getting a Bad Rap?